Our confidential parent support group consists of seven, weekly sessions and is designed for parents and caregivers of gender-diverse children of any age to share experiences, learn, and grow together. Facilitated by parents of a transgender child, this is a great opportunity to better understand, support, and advocate for your trans or nonbinary child.
Our Support Group is not a therapy group or a crisis intervention group, but rather a peer support group.
If you need therapy resources, please contact our social worker at info@gendernexus.org.
If you need crisis response, please contact the Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 or www.translifeline.org, walk into the nearest emergency room, or contact 911.
Our next session begins October 30th, 2024. Pre-registration is required, please register here.
These sessions occur once each quarter. For more information regarding scheduling, please reach out to us at groups@gendernexus.org.
For more information, please reach out to us directly at groups@gendernexus.org.